Roboto #1234

Here are the different image assets related to this Roboto! Just righ-click and select download from the menu.

Animated Roboto

This animated GIF is the one you see on OpenSea too!

SVG Roboto

This is a resolution-free version of your Roboto in vector format. That means you can open this file on Photoshop, Illustrator, or any other graphic tool and break your artwork apart! Pretty cool if you want to do large prints, animations, or whatever you want!

Transparent PNG Roboto

Wanna put your Roboto over your own background? You can use this transparent PNG!

Head PNG

This could be a cool profile picture variation. Yeah, you lose the body, but check out how clean it looks!... Unless you have a Charlie Cat in your belly. Then, definitely don't hide your body!

Transparent Head PNG

Since this is transparent and simple, it's great to be used as a sticker!

Portrait PNG

This vertical image has the proportions for Instagram stories or as a phone background. It's at a 1080x1920 resolution.

Landscape PNG

This horizontal image has the proportions to use on social media banners, TV backgrounds, slides, or anything that has a 16:9 proportion. It's at a 1920x1080 resolution.